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Monday, May 13, 2019

New England Study Group Seminar at Boston FED

Last week, on Wednesday, May 8th, I have attended the New England Study Group seminar hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's Research Department. Joshua Hyman from University of Connecticut presented his research with the title "The Long-Run Impacts of Same-Race Teachers".

Hyman examines the impact of having a same-race teacher on students' long-run educational attainment. Leveraging random student-teacher pairings in the Tennessee STAR class-size experiment, he finds that black students randomly assigned to a black teacher in grades K-3 are 5 percentage points (7%) more likely to graduate from high school and 4 percentage points (13%) more likely to enroll in college than their peers in the same school who are not assigned a black teacher. He documents similar patterns using quasi-experimental methods and statewide administrative data from North Carolina. To examine possible mechanisms, he provides a theoretical model that formalizes the notion of “role model effects” as distinct from teacher effectiveness. He envisions role model effects as information provision: black teachers provide a crucial signal that leads black students to update their beliefs about the returns to effort and what educational outcomes are possible. Using testable implications generated by the theory, he provides suggestive evidence that role model effects help to explain why black teachers increase the educational attainment of black students.

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